For the ninth time already, another musical focus is on the program in the heart of Pongau: from August, 28th, to September, 2nd a masterclass for violin will take place under the direction of Christine-Maria Höller.
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The focus is on the deepening and individual development of technical and musical skills for interpretation and presentation of works of violin literature and chamber music. Due to the intensive daily supervision, the number of participants is limited.
Selected works will be presented at the public final concert in the parish hall of Bischofshofen.
In addition to daily private lessons and ensemble playing, practising rooms are available to participants free of charge.
The course fee is € 170.- and is to be paid by July, 31st, 2022 at the latest.
Correpetition is to be booked separetely if required (€ 30.- per lesson).
For young participants there is the possibility for additional practice supervision
(€ 20.- per lesson).
With the confirmation by the course management, the bank details for transfer of the course fee will be given.
All participants receive a certificate upon successful completion of the course.
There is no age restriction for participants in the masterclass. However, neither liability nor supervision can be assumed for underage participants.
The teaching location near the ski jump on the outskirts of Bischofshofen is an idyllic setting. The transport links (train, car) are very good. The place also offers a wide range of leisure activities (e.g. hiking, mini golf, swimming). Further information can be found on the Internet (TVB – Tourismusverband Bischofshofen ).
On request, the course management can offer support in accomodation search.